Kate: His steam shovel is named MaryAnn.
Mary: I think that's his wife.
Kate: It's his steam shovel.
Mary:He married his steam shovel.
Kate: Steam shovels don't fit in churches.
Mary: WHAT?
Kate: You get married in churches.
Mary: Only things with eyes are allowed in churches.
Kate: Steam shovels have eyes.
I was about three comments in before I had any idea what they were talking about, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. What I love is that Mary knew immediately.
Teetee and Oohooh had these conversations. They fought over gin rummy, cocktails, politics, bingo, olive toasts, which Catholic church to attend on Sunday, you name it, they argued. And now I know they each understood exactly what the other was saying.
I'll have to find a picture of those gals, goodness they were wonderful.
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