Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Duel 2012: Gingrich and Romney

The voice on the radio announced a virtual “Armageddon” in South Carolina this week, the promise of Newt Gingrich, furthering his attacks on Republican front runner Mitt Romney.

“What’s an Armageddon?”

She listened very carefully to my explanation, that Gingrich was promising an attack of negative advertisements, that rather than tell us all the reasons why we should vote for him, he was going to tell us all the reasons we should not vote for his opponent.

“He is going to say bad things about Mitt Romney?”

Essentially, he was going to point out all the things that Romney has done previously that would keep him from being the kind of president that the Republicans would like to elect.

There was a pause, some consideration, and then Kate said, “you know Mom, that sounds a lot like Hamilton and Burr, saying mean things to try and keep the other from winning. We all know that didn't work out so well”.

The long term effects of negative campaigning as explained by a seven year old.

1 comment:

Suz said...

I wonder what your little one will think when it gets worse in the real election....

it isn't a duel...but a war
I think..of ideas
we'll see


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