Monday, September 14, 2009

Tired Cranky People

By the third day I had discovered the true genius of kindergarten; exhaust them such that when they are sent home the parents no longer recognize them. What returns at the end of a long day of colors and letters and multi cultural studies is a cranky and loopy version of what was sent off just that morning. Gone is the happy and excited face, in it's place I find wandering eyes, sneers and furrowed brows.

As a reminder to myself, familiarity breeds scowling. Certainly most of their happy face quota is used for new teachers and friends, reserving only the real face of weary for the mothers and fathers who pick them up at the end of each very busy day. For two little girls who bicker incessantly, a day without bicker must be a day without sunshine, and their teacher tells me she hears very little of the old lady quibble that defines their communication. There is little to no screaming, pushing or badgering, they get along with each other as well as the new friends.

It must be draining. They've been perfecting these methods of exchange for five years, and now, suddenly, they are asked to communicate as quasi adults? Interacting with others in a mature five year old manner? To save all that familiar banter for the end of the day?

Fine, I'll take it. This great scheme is not working, I still miss them, bring on the childish banter, familiarity breeds happiness as well.

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