Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What A Day It Would Have Been

There was a grandfather at soccer today, an older man who walked quite hunched over, with a cane, chasing his granddaughter around the soccer field. She's young, 2 or 3, and so he keeps up fairly easily, cane in one hand, camera in the other. When the parachute comes out he grabs hold and walks with the other parents, circling the squealing young soccer players.

It's not necessary, this reminder. I know how much I miss my Dad and how much I'd love to have him sitting here with me at soccer. While I sit on our beach blanket Dad would require a chair so I'd have to hike down to the basement in the morning, to dig out a folding chair suitable for him. I'd complain, but I'd do it, bringing up two so we could sit together. And he'd complain, certainly they would be dirty, but we'd dust the thing off, although he would still let me know it was just a bit uncomfortable, "but better than that old blanket, your old Pop is still pretty smart". We'd have to drive, and he'd tell me where to go, blessing himself and thanking God, in a very fallen Catholic way, for having survived my driving, arriving safely only 8 blocks from our apartment. I'd remind him that he was the one who taught me to drive.

The girls would pull at him, yelling for him to hurry, almost toppling this once huge man. "Grandaddy, hurry, come watch", I'd send them on, to find their coach, and he and I would amble over, slowing my often hurried pace to keep time with his labored walking.

Both chairs assembled he'd sit, hand me his camera and tell me to start taking pictures. Then he'd be up, and trying to chase them down the field, cane in hand, while I followed, terrified that he might fall. He'd wave me off, telling me I worry too much, and he'd be right. Having never played soccer, he'd still offer plenty of advice, and the girls would delight in having a grandfather so versed in their current favorite sport.

Yes,that would have been a really great day.

1 comment:

Rob Marvin MD said...

Absolutely beautiful.


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