An informal poll conducted last week by me, via email to friends who do not celebrate Christmas provided this information: none of them are offended when someone says Merry Christmas to them. Not one. Now, if you were to give them a creche that lights up and plays Silent Night on constant repeat, or a large gold cross to hang on the front door, perhaps that might be offensive, but a simple Merry Christmas, always welcome.
Five of seven days per week I begin my morning by pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States. Not once have I apologized for this reckless behavior. I have not felt guilty, embarrassed, coerced or dirty. One day recently the speaker wasn't working in the fifth grade classroom and we missed the morning announcements. About an hour into our day one of the students remembered and asked if we could stop what we were doing to say the pledge. Four days after the attacks in Paris he suggested we take our moment of silence that follows the pledge to remember the victims in Paris. Our children and our schools are not so bad; why do we keep insisting that they are? When was the last time you pledged allegiance to the flag? I don't need to repost the pledge on Facebook to prove my patriotism. I do so by studying and understanding American history, by showing respect to the president of the United States, by participating in the political process and by not expecting others to believe exactly as I do.

This Trumpian form of patriotic bullying seems counter to everything good about living in the United States of America. Those who boldly proclaim their patriotism by excluding and offending others seem to be missing the point, which is unfortunate, especially at this time of year.
When did it become politically incorrect to show respect to others?
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