I was wrong. Kate, who usually chooses to think with her mind rather than her heart, answered immediately. Forgoing a chance to ride on the back of Paul Revere's horse as he made his way from Boston to Lexington, Kate opted instead for a seat in Mrs. Grow's fourth grade class, at a desk near mine. "I would go back to when you were my age Mom, and I would be your best friend".
From time to time my girls say things that actually make me stop, breathe and realize that at the end of the day they are becoming just the kind of people that I really hoped they would. They are becoming the kind of people I would like to have as friends.

I'd happily give up my seat in Independence Hall to find a friend like Jim for Mary and Kate.
This is very special. You write SO well! It is truly a pleasure to follow your blog. xo Nellie
Nellie, he is a very special friend. Thanks so much, you are so kind in your comments, I appreciate it!
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